Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Corporate America Wins

The American people are being told how this great bi-partisanship compromise was reached, and democracy was saved, personally I think the Democrats let the Republicans off the hook, for if you look at the polls 2/3 of the American people were with the Democrats on this issue. What the Democrats should have done is allow Bill Frist to hang himself, and leave him twisting in the wind, then they could have told the American people how many Judicial nominees of President Clinton, were in essence fillibustered by Republicans, including Frist. By allowing Priscilla Owens and Janice Rodgers Brown to now pretty much be confirmed, defeats the whole purpose of this fight to begin with, nothing has changed since the first rejection of Owens, that makes her anymore suitable for a lifetime appointment to the Federal Court of Appeals, all that has changed was the political makeup of the Senate. In rejecting Owens the first time, the judiciary committee wrote; "Justice Owens judicial record, particular her record of dissents indicate she is a judicial activist who would allow her right wing ideology to trump her responsibilities as a judge to follow law, not make it". In one case, Owens extremist views even led current Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, then a colleague on the Texas Supreme Court to charge her with "an unconsionable act of judicial activism"; The Houston Chronical wrote "Owen has a distinct bias against consumers in favor of large corporations". Janice Rodgers Brown is another far right judge, who because of this deal will now get a lifetime appointment to the Federal Court of Appeals, the Republicans who will use any tactic available to them, used the fact that Brown is black and a woman to accuse Democrats of racism and of course being anti woman as the reason not to confirm Brown, it has nothing to do with Brown's continually voting against civil rights, consumer rights, and patient rights. The Republicans who railed and whined about activist judges in the Schiavo case, even though these judges were Republican appointees, when they didn't do the bidding of the Tom Delay's and Bill Frist's, and actually ruled on the law, they became the enemy too. The hypocritical Republicans have no problem with activist judges like Owens and Rodgers as long as they are right wing activists. Frankly, I believe that the American people have begun to see the radical agenda these far right religious fanatics have in store for the country, and I finally think enough of them have seen the light, and stopped buying into the lies and changing realities of the Bush administration, it might have been a better move for the Democrats to allow Frist to go nuclear today, I believe it would have backfired big time. What we have seen in 5 years of this Republican quest for power is a destruction of America's reputation throughout the world, at home we have record deficits, wages dropping, millions losing healthcare, pensions being stolen, and basically an ideology that wants to reverse the "New Deal" to the way things used to be, in essence no regulations on corporations, no child labor laws, no minimum wage, the end of the 40 hour work week, and of course the end of unions. This is what the Bush/ Rove/ Cheney ideologues have in store for the American worker, while they wage war and make billions for corporate America and their cronies. George Bush and Karl Rove are after absolute power as they take America back to the fifties, in that I mean the 1850's, with them its all about the ideology.